We provide specialist cleaning and disinfection services to allow you to reopen with minimal downtime if a case of a contagious disease such as Coronavirus or Norovirus is confirmed or suspected in your premises.
Specialist disinfection is carried out by Global Biorisk Advisory Council Trained Technicians using a two-step process that includes cleaning high-risk contact points like door handles, light switches, taps, toilets and kitchen appliances followed by applying disinfectant using either electrostatic spraying or ultra low volume (ULV) fogging. Electrostatic spraying allows our technicians to focus disinfectant on a particular object or surface and is best for smaller areas while fogging, which involves using a machine to generate extremely small droplets of disinfectant ‘fog’, is often more suited to larger or more complex areas.
Our specialist disinfectant, Steri-7, kills up to 99.9999% of a broad range of pathogens within seconds of contact. So long as the barrier is not wiped away, our treatment provides residual protection and biosecurity reassurance between cleans – the manufacturer’s testing showed the barrier killing microbes for up to 72 hours after application. You can view the technical data for Steri-7 here.
Infection control cleaning can also be provided on a routine, proactive basis to help prevent spreading disease in high-risk or high-traffic premises.

Honest advice from qualified professionals

Reports and certification provided for your peace of mind

Service available 24/7 to meet your needs.*
*subject to the team’s availability